=====Link de los Juegos====
1-Mad Town Demolition: http://twiriock.com/4TMG
2-CrossFire Last 12 Hours: http://twiriock.com/4Tdw
3-One Piece Bounty Rush Google Play: http://twiriock.com/4TqH
APK: http://twiriock.com/4Trl
4-Metro 2077: http://twiriock.com/4TNT
5-Fight Lass: http://twiriock.com/4UAz
6-Apex Legends: http://twiriock.com/4TQJ
7-INVICTUS LOST SOUL Google Play: http://twiriock.com/4TtA
8-BlankCity Character Estelle Google Play: http://twiriock.com/4U59
APK: http://twiriock.com/4U6H
9-Disney Epic Quest Google Play: http://twiriock.com/4TkV
APK: http://twiriock.com/4TiH
10-Patty Vs Zombies: http://twiriock.com/4TUN
11-Prison Survivor: http://twiriock.com/4TVY
12-The Elegy of Heaven: http://twiriock.com/4UGU
13-The Pacific World War 2: http://twiriock.com/4TzL
14-THE WALKING ZOMBIE 2: http://twiriock.com/4TYP
15-TRIGGER FIST G.O.A.T: http://twiriock.com/4To3
16-Twelve Weapons of God: http://twiriock.com/4U85
enserió si esta mejor apex legends que la competencia, garantizado!!